Saturday, March 05, 2005

Yesterday's Prayers

Yesterday's Prayers
Originally uploaded by Litratista.


Anonymous said...

wow! nice pic. they look like tree trunks. until i noticed the iron bars. nice vantage point sis. looks a abit abstract allowing the photograph to make the viewer mentally think. :)


Pinoy Pan de Sal said...

thanks. hmmm.. now that you mentioned it, they've begun to look like tree trunks. uhm, barbecued tree trunks? how odd, hehe..

Anonymous said...

Do you think those prayers will work for me to? I have been trying to find answers to fundamental questions in philosophy, but I only find more questions.
Evocative picture this one. :-)


Pinoy Pan de Sal said...

same thing happened to me, but then i just accepted the fact that there are some questions in life that can't be answered.
prayers, yes, they work for me-all the time! :-)

Anonymous said...

thank you. This is really great and captivitang photo...

also sensibility in your other photos. Meaning driven... ilike it!

reading the above comments, just the thoughst I have lately. I think prayers work because we have faith. Will they not if there is no firm of belief?, I believe in God but sometimes I find prayers unanswered and it puts me in doubt.

But then I still try praying...just trying. -- ayeona